Monday, May 3, 2010

Blog Reflection

I can not believe that this class and the writing of the blogs is coming to an end. It is unreal how fast this whole year has flown by. I was nervous about this class before the semester had started. I am a big stresser, I stress about every little thing and this class was high on my list. I was nervous about the blog at first. I thought the blog would be weird because I knew that other people would possibly be reading every blog post that I did. It turned out that the blog was really fun and it was not stressful at all. I actually liked writing the blogs and reading what other people posted. I think that blogging could be something that I do in the future. I would want to have a purpose for my blogs though, so I don't bore people to much.
The blog was scary at first. I didn't want people that I didn't know to be able to read everything I wrote. I was scared that people would judge me as a writer and that was scary to me. It turned out to be a lot easier than I thought it would be. I tried to open up in all of my blogs and try to let people know the real me and how I view things. I enjoyed reading other peoples blogs as well. Before every blog I would go through and read what other people in the class thought about the topics that we got to write on.

It turned out that I really do enjoy blogging. I felt that I could write being more of myself and not so much just writing to get a good grade. My favorite blog that I liked doing and that I enjoyed reading from other people is the three truths and a lie blog. I think that is a good way to get to know people and it is funny to see what everyone writes about their lives, and the lie is usually funny to read.

Overall I really liked blogging. I don't plan to blog in the future thought, unless I have a purpose for my blog and want to get something that is important for me out there. I think blogging made the class a lot more interesting. In other classes you just write and turn things in to a teacher, and I liked how we got to see what other students wrote. It was a lot of fun!

Monday, April 19, 2010

My Favorite Vacation!

My favorite place in the whole world is New York City, and I was fortunate enough to get to go there. I went to New York a month before 9/11 happened. That was a horrible thing to happen but since I got to go before I actually have pictures of the World Trade Centers so that is a cool thing to get to show my friends. Another thing that I got to go to while I was there was the Statue of Liberty. That was probably the coolest thing I have ever seen. When you get there it is so much bigger than it looks. My family and I couldn't even go up to the top because there were so many tourists there. It was crazy.

After going to New York, I know that I want to live there someday. The shopping is to die for and that is my favorite hobby! I also love how fast pass the city is. If you ever want to go anywhere just call out for a taxi or get on a subway. It is so cool! I am so happy that I got a chance to go to New York and see all the awesome things that I did. Hopefully someday soon I will be moving there for good and making it my home!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Griz Games!

Unlike most of you, I grew up going to Griz games every weekend since I was little. My family has had season tickets since before I was born so I was always a huge Griz fan. Since I was little up until my senior year, every saturday I would drive from Butte with my dad and go to the Griz games. As soon as my dad and I would pull into Missoula we would go to the Press Box for a quick breakfast and then go straight to the Butte tailgate. The experience of going to the Griz games with my dad were always a lot of fun. As soon as we would start walking into the games I would get butterflys in my stomach just by hearing the loud cheering roaring out from the stadium. My favorite part of the Griz games used to be the pre game part where Monte would come out and get the crowd all riled up.

Now that I am in college my experiences at the Griz games have changed quite a bit. Instead of going with my dad to the Press Box, I know usually attend keggs and eggs with friends. I still get really excited and nervous before the games but by the time I actually get there I am usually pretty drunk, and unfortunately for me, never make it for the pre game part. I still however go to the Butte tailgate at half time, where I usually embarass my dad at how drunk I am. But the Griz games are still the things I love the most aobut college and my experience keeps getting better! ;)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Gossip Girl!

My favorite TV show at the moment is Gossip Girl. Gossip Girl is a fairly new show that is only in it's 3rd season, but it already has such a huge fan base. This show isn't a show that many of us can relate to, but I think that makes it even more interesting. The characters in Gossip Girl do not have the average life any teenager that I know. The show is based around a group of people in high school that live in the Upper East Side in Manhattan. They are all very privileged, have a lot of money, get into the best clubs, and of course being true to it's name, there is a TON of gossip.
The whole show is based off of a website called gossip girl. Every time someone send in a picture or a tip of any good juicy gossip, all the kids get a text and all the drama gets passed around that way. Although Gossip Girl has plenty of gossip there is also things that everyone can relate too. The kids go through all the drama that teenagers have with their parents and friends. They also go through their first loves, and the heartbreak that goes along with having that first relationship. The show is fun to watch because although I didn't grow up on the upper east side, it is really fun to imagine what they would have been like. It is also fun because it reminds us that wherever we grow up whether it be in Manhattan or Butte, Montana, all teenagers go through the same stuff. My favorite character is Blair Waldorf. Blair is the biggest bitch on the show and probably causes the most drama, but once she opens up she is the nicest most caring one on the show. So Gossip Girl is pretty much amazing and if you haven't watched yet you all should totally tune in Monday's and 8 on the cw! ;)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

3 op eds!

Melton: Attorneys are supposed to be able to defend all
I really enjoyed this article written by Will Melton of the Montana Kaimin. This article was about how "Keep it Safe America",a organization founded by Liz Cheney and Bill Cristol in order to attack the Obama administration for turning against the policies instituted by Dick Cheney and former President Bush. Keep it safe america is attacking attorneys who are following a proud American tradition of defending the rights of those we most despise is despicable. I believe that everyone has a right to a fair trial, even if you are a "scoundrel" or someone that is associated with a bad group like terrorists. In this country every person has the right of free speech, and just because a lawyer is defending them to give them that right does not mean that the lawyer should be punished in any way.

Guest Column: A Vermonter Discovers Montana Foods
I loved reading this article written by Kyra Williams. The main reason why i really enjoyed this article for the most part is because it is about food. Kyra lived in Vermont and loved the home made hot maple syrup that her neighbor always made. So when she decided to move to Missoula her neighbor told her she should be seeing what kind of local food we have. Kyra was pleasantly surprised at the familiar local fruits, vegetables, meats, and cheeses she found at the farmers market. Kyra found out that Missoula is home to a nationally recognized farm-to college and farm-to school program that support our local Montana farmers,ranchers, and producers by serving local products in our cafeterias. This is very cool to find out how our county is helping our locals and buying their crops, the crops all of us eat at school everyday.

Caught in the Act: Guy candy, not storylines
This article written by Kaelyn Kelly was amusing to read. To sum this article up it is pretty much about her opinion on the porn industry and all the mens magazines out there telling guys how to get their girls to do things that they don't want to do. She thinks that the porn industry is gross and it only appeals to men so women have no desire to even watch it. The porn industry only appeals to men because the guys are always ugly and the girls only have huge boobs and do crazy positions. If the porn industry was supposed to appeal to women they would make the guys cuter and the girls would need a lot more done than a boob job, to put it nicely. Kaelyn thinks that porn portrays sex in an unrealistic way. Instead of trying to talk your significant other into trying to do these crazy things, how about just having a mature conversation about your sex lives. I completely agree with this article. I mean I'm sure we have all watched a porn before in our lives but it does portray sex in a gross unnatural way. Sex might be just sex to guys, but for girls (for the most part) would go for a little romance to, not just all the dirty talk in the porns.

Friday, March 12, 2010


This article talks about indoor and outdoor air pollution. The main point of the article is that air pollution is just as much indoor as outdoor and what we can do to help this.

This article says how air pollution comes from many different things that we use and how these things that we put out into the air are harming things like trees, lakes, crops, the ozone layer and many more.

This article has facts about the history of air pollution, talks about air pollution in the home, sources of pollutants, pollution damage to plants, and how we can reduce air pollution.

This article has facts about what air pollution is doing to our environment. Also how many people in our country think that air pollution has a big effect on global warming.

This article has 10 facts about air pollution.

I was having trouble finding the one journal that we are supposed to get.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sustainability Topics

I'm not 100% percent positive on what I plan on doing my research paper on. Although I have a couple ideas of things that interest me that I have to read up a little bit more on. One topic that caught my eye is air pollution. Air pollution is one of earth's most important natural recourses. Without air plants, animals, and of course human would not survive. Air also contains green house gases that maintain our global temperature. Air pollution is not a new concern, it is recorded to have gone back to the 13th century when the coal they used in London was polluting the air. And today people think that pollution problems are caused by industry to the ones associated with motor car emissions.
Another topic that interests me is Wave Power. This topic has always interested me because I always have wondered how tsunamis happen. Ocean waves are a form of wind energy that stays in surface seawater. Friction develops between air and water as wind blows across the water, and waves are produced as energy is transferred between these two elements. So these are the two topics that I have been thinking about for my topic.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Skinny Biotch" Diet Program

Last year I got really interested in my health and tried to start eating foods that were better for me. I felt by cutting out unhealthy foods, it was good for my waist line but it also gave me more energy and made me feel a lot better mentally. A couple months into my new way of eating I started reading this book that my mom had called The Skinny Bitch. It is basically a book saying the only way to be skinny and healthy was to go Vegan. A vegan is a diet that doesn't allow you to eat anything that comes from an animal. It is a way more extreme diet than a vegetarian because you can't even eat dairy products when you are vegan.
Right after reading this book I was disgusted with all the things that they do to animals just so some one can enjoy a glass of milk or a cheeseburger. Right then I said that I was going to go vegan. It seemed like it would be so easy because the book gives you options on what you should eat, but when you live in a small town with no Good Food Store, there isn't a big variety of foods to choose form. Being vegan for me probably lasted about five hours. I felt like as soon as I told my self I couldn't eat something I craved it even more. Later that day I broke my diet and went and got a pork chop with ham, egg, and cheese. I think being a vegan can be fulfilling for some people but I think you should be able to eat what you want when you want it, as long as it is in proportion.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bullet in the Brain!

I thought that Bullet in the Brain was a sad story. Throughout the story I thought that Anders was very rude and cynical. But when you hear about all the things that he didn't even think of before he died it made me feel really sad and sorry for him. Right when the robbers came in to the bank he didn't even seem phased by how his actions of being so arrogant could affect the other people in the bank. Anders could have lived if he would have just kept quite but instead he had to run his mouth and in the end it got him killed. I think it is sad how much it seemed like he didn't care if he lived or not. He had a daughter to live for and think of, and he also had people in his life that he cared about but was too selfish to remember them before he died. I did feel bad for him though because I feel like his life didn't go exactly how he might have wanted it to turn out and that is easy for anyone to relate to.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

10 Again

It is 11:10 on Monday morning and I am sitting in Mrs. Brozovich's class. I cannot keep my eyes off the clock because we are five minutes away from going to lunch then out to recess, the best parts of the day. Right when the clock hits 11:15 I run out the class room dorm with my two best friends Jordan and Kaila. All three of us are eating hot lunch today because it is the pizza and the pizza is the best! Right when the mean lunch lady with the hair net hands us our food we run to the fifth grade table, where all of our friends from the other class sit. While we eat we talk about what we should play during recess that day. I suggest playing hop scotch, Jordan wants to go watch the boys play football like always, and Kaila thinks we should go on the swings. My other friend Katrina who is in another class thinks we should play in the tube slide, and we all agree that would be fun.
As we are leaving the cafeteria Jordan yells "last one there is a rotten egg" so we all ran as fast as we could there. Jordan is the first one that gets to the tube slide, then I got there right after here, Katrina was next, and Kaila got there last. Since Kaila got there last we make her go down the slide first and stay there so we can all pile in and go down together. Out of the corner of my eye I see the recess monitor walking towards us, she is always getting mad at us for something. As she is coming closer we all try to fool her by hiding in the slide. Then we all here her yelling, "You girls, how many times do I have to tell you? No sitting in the slide." Katrina starts laughing so we all slide down. She is standing there waiting for us with a mean look on her face. Then she says, "Your all on the wall for the rest of recess." Kaila looks at her, "NOT THE WALL!" The wall is where you have to stand if you get in trouble and it is not very fun because we can't talk to our friends when we are on the wall. Right when we get to the wall the recess bell rings. "YES" we all scream. We lucked out today but now we have to go back up to Mrs. Brozovich's class and go to science, I would have rather been stuck on that gross wall.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Personality Test

In the Enneagram personality test I was given a three. The first thing that the it said about being a three was that I had to be impressive and attractive to be happy. The three is also referred to as the the achiever. The achiever is energetic, optimistic, self assured, and goal oriented. To get along with a three is a happy medium of making them feel loved but also leaving them alone when they have work to get done. Three's love honesty, they like to be told when you are proud of them, and they also like to hear how much you enjoy their company. Three's are able to move forward after a set back, we are good at being friendly and upbeat, and we are also good at motivating people. Three's have a fear of not being successful, they also always compare their selves to other people who are more successful.
I think that the personality test matched me up very well, but some things were a little off. I love it when people are honest with me but at the same time when they are to honest I get defensive about things. I have a big group of friends and would rather go out then be home alone but when I have to get something done I need my alone time too. I agree that three's are optimistic, upbeat and friendly because I believe that I am all of those or at least try to be. The three is called the achiever, but I don't achieve to the best of my ability in everything I do. I compare everything I do however to all of my friends and try to be as good if not better then them at the things we do together. I also love to motivate people. I believe that anyone can do anything they set their mind to, and as much as I compare I always like to see my friends and the people I love succeed. Over all I think that the three was very accurate for my personality.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

About Me!

Hey everyone! To start off my name is Tess Vucurovich. I was born and raised in Butte Montana which everyone there likes to refer to as Butte, America. I am a freshman this year and I love it so far. I went to high school at Butte High. While I was there I was a involved in cheerleading and the pep club. Cheerleading was a fun sport to be involved in because I met a lot of the friends I have today through that, and it was always fun being in the front row for all the sports activities. Cheerleading also got me involved in community work in Butte that I actually enjoyed doing.
I decided to come here for college because I have always loved the atmosphere of Missoula. I have been coming here since I was a little kid to watch the football games so I became a huge fan of the Griz. I love all the school spirit that the U has and the different things there are to do around the campus. Right now I live in Jesse Hall. I thought I would hate it because of how small it is but I actually love it. I became close friends with all the girls on my floor and that makes it really easy to be here and not get homesick. And I'm looking forward to this semester and this class!