Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Skinny Biotch" Diet Program

Last year I got really interested in my health and tried to start eating foods that were better for me. I felt by cutting out unhealthy foods, it was good for my waist line but it also gave me more energy and made me feel a lot better mentally. A couple months into my new way of eating I started reading this book that my mom had called The Skinny Bitch. It is basically a book saying the only way to be skinny and healthy was to go Vegan. A vegan is a diet that doesn't allow you to eat anything that comes from an animal. It is a way more extreme diet than a vegetarian because you can't even eat dairy products when you are vegan.
Right after reading this book I was disgusted with all the things that they do to animals just so some one can enjoy a glass of milk or a cheeseburger. Right then I said that I was going to go vegan. It seemed like it would be so easy because the book gives you options on what you should eat, but when you live in a small town with no Good Food Store, there isn't a big variety of foods to choose form. Being vegan for me probably lasted about five hours. I felt like as soon as I told my self I couldn't eat something I craved it even more. Later that day I broke my diet and went and got a pork chop with ham, egg, and cheese. I think being a vegan can be fulfilling for some people but I think you should be able to eat what you want when you want it, as long as it is in proportion.

1 comment:

  1. It's strange, but I am weirdly bad at moderation. I'm good at eating nothing but raw food for a few days, and then eating nothing but cupcakes for a few days, and then taking all my vitamins, and then shooting up all the heroin...

    The buddha recommends the middle path. I can't seem to find it.
