My favorite TV show at the moment is Gossip Girl. Gossip Girl is a fairly new show that is only in it's 3rd season, but it already has such a huge fan base. This show isn't a show that many of us can relate to, but I think that makes it even more interesting. The characters in Gossip Girl do not have the average life any teenager that I know. The show is based around a group of people in high school that live in the Upper East Side in Manhattan. They are all very privileged, have a lot of money, get into the best clubs, and of course being true to it's name, there is a TON of gossip.
The whole show is based off of a website called gossip girl. Every time someone send in a picture or a tip of any good juicy gossip, all the kids get a text and all the drama gets passed around that way. Although Gossip Girl has plenty of gossip there is also things that everyone can relate too. The kids go through all the drama that teenagers have with their parents and friends. They also go through their first loves, and the heartbreak that goes along with having that first relationship. The show is fun to watch because although I didn't grow up on the upper east side, it is really fun to imagine what they would have been like. It is also fun because it reminds us that wherever we grow up whether it be in Manhattan or Butte, Montana, all teenagers go through the same stuff. My favorite character is Blair Waldorf. Blair is the biggest bitch on the show and probably causes the most drama, but once she opens up she is the nicest most caring one on the show. So Gossip Girl is pretty much amazing and if you haven't watched yet you all should totally tune in Monday's and 8 on the cw! ;)